Everyone was Down for a Bound Beatdown

AO: The Bound

When: 2024-08-07

QIC: Dinghy

PAX (11): Cookie, Ha-ha, MillerTime, Nacho Libre, Red Ryder (the one that posts), Rudy, Golden Corral, Rainman, FNG's Rebar and Junebug


Got to my last Q at The Bound, and was informed that my slot had been graciously taken, so was re-scheduled to later date - No issue, as it was Bowser's VQ, and it rocked!  With that done, YHC went back to the lab and came up with a non-burpee BD that was still going to rock. With 2 FNG's tow, full disclaimer was given and off we went.


10 each of Weedpickers, Hillbillies, Willie Mays Hays,  Moroccan Nightclubs, and SSH's. Mosey around the parking lot to the basketball court.

The Thang:

  1. Deconstucted Burpee Dora - Partner up, PAX 1 runs to flag and back, PAX 2 conducts exercises. Exercises included 100 HR mercans, 100 groiners, 100 jump squats. Essentially, 100 burpees.
  2. Bloody Mary (descending reps) - Starting with 10 reps and working down to 6, conducted following exercises in cadence, after each round lunge walk across court and back: Supermen, Pickle Pounders, Flutter Kicks, Rope Climbers, Side V-up (right and left), Gas Pumpers, American Hammers......rinse and repeat dropping reps
  3. Bring Sally up/down - Circle up, all pax go superman position. At "bring Sally up," pax conduct mercan and hold, return to superman at "bring Sally down." Continue through whole song - Approx 4 min...and that was TIME


Praises for Golden Corral's continued success, and prayers for Men of the Bound as a group, particularly those needing special guidance and blessings.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Always great to Q at The Bound. Never disappointed in the level of energy and effort. Truth be told, talking it up with the Hooch and enable others to rotate up and see how powerful the F3 spirit flows through the Men of the Bound....til next time!

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