Tour of Webb Bridge Park

AO: Black Widow

When: 2024-08-03

QIC: G String

PAX (12): Cox, Deep dish, DeLorean, Dinghy, Funyun, G String, Ha-ha, Mater, Meatball, Speedo, Stu, Zohan


This was my VQ. I was nervous and excited. I am still learning many of the exercizes, but the guys helped me out and were very positive. I was trying to create a Beatdown that was informative and challenging. We work out at Webb Bridge Park each week, and I live right near it. It has been a part of my life for 24 years. I was hoping to offer some information about the park and near-by neighborhoods to help us get a better feel for the place we meet eacch week.


We warmed up with some leg raises (new exercise that had no name), week pickers, windmills, and side shuttle hops.

The Thang:

We moseyed through the park along the walking trail stopping at key points to do various sets of hand-release merkins, big boy sit-ups and burpees. We had a few excersions into some other exercises including the nutcracker (modified), the wonder bra (in honor of Zohan!), the crab walk (in honor of Fanny Pack who was not with us today), and the bear crawl (in honor of Speedo-it has been in everyone of his BD's that I have been apart of, and it nearly did me in the first time!). We had to include a trip down and up the Widow maker (with some merkins, big boys, and burpees to keep us focused). We ended at the field doing some fox holes (in honor of Delorean who instroduced this exercise to me in a previous BD).


Delorean shated his story about his moutain climbing accident that nearly crippled him and his recovery. It was a very inspiring story for all of us. Zohan shared that this week he will celebrate 7 years with F 3. Bravo to both of these men!

Naked-Man Moleskin:

I appreciate the guys working so well with me for my first Q. I found F 3 a year ago by accident. Being with these guys each week and watching them work has been life changing for me. I am a musician who is accustomed to spending many hours alone with an instrument. I cherish the opportunity to work out each week with a group of like minded men who simply want to get better. Thank you!

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