“What’s a Dinghy?” – Another Belated BIrthday Beatdown with Dinghy

AO: Gladiator

When: 2024-07-18

QIC: Dinghy

PAX (15): Chanel, Cheneral, Darkside, DREAMER, Dutch Oven, Fire Drill, Hitchcock, Macbeth, Scratch-Off, Shirley Temple, Spandex, Speedo, TheBigShort, Yokel


As YHC approached the hallowed grounds of of the Gladiator shovel flag circle, he was immediately confronted by a question from Yokel: WHAT IS A DINGHY? First - the spelling of the word is not D-I-N-G-Y (that is an adjective for "dark and dirty," which describes the condition of YHC's soul), nor is it D-I-N-G-G-Y (That's an adjective for "empty-headed", which can sometimes describe YHC). D-I-N-G-H-Y is a noun for a small boat (or cute male genitalia). For purposes of this BB, however, D-I-N-G-H-Y is the dude who works to ensure that his F3 brothers get a potentially vomit-inducing beatdown all while enjoying a great playlist. Now that that's out of the way, we circled, quick disclaimer was given  due to the veteran crew, and off we went.


10 each of weedpickers, Willie Mays Hays, Moroccan nightclubs, hillbillies, and SSH's. Mosey to the far picnic area parking lot.

The Thang:

  1. Rolling Dry Hump - Starting at the corner nearest the picnic benches, pax conducted 1 Carolina Drydock and 4 Monkey Humpers. Pax continued with a lap around the the parking lot. Rinse and repeat, adding 1 Drydock and 4 Monkey Humpers to the total, proceeding through to 10 Drydocks and 49 Monkey Humpers. Imperial Walker for the 6, then pickup the 6. Mosey to the near soccer field.
  2. 11's with a Jack Webb / Burpees. Lining up on the near sideline, pax conducted 1 mercan with 4 air presses (a Jack Webb), then ran across the field to conduct 10 burpees, run back across. Rinse and repeat, increasing by 1/4 mercans to air presses, decreasing by 1 on burpees, to finish with 10 mercans / 40 air presses and 1 burpee (that's 55 total burpees - YHC's belated birthday present to his F3 brothers). Return to the flag
  3. 2 minutes of Mary - flutter kicks and American hammers, and THAT WAS TIME!


Check the Slack for Fire Drill's info on the upcoming 5k on August 24th. Also check Slack for upcoming events with F3 Cumming  (Darth Visor CSAUP) Prayers for Shirley Temple's wife and she endures pregnancy (and for a healthy delivery); prayers for our country.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

With business travel and early morning practice carpool for the 2.0, YHC has had limited time to get to the Gladiator, and boy has he missed it. Going forward, this is going to change (the 2.0 is getting ready to drive himself, and the travel is mitigating) so expect to see Dinghy around the Gladiator more often. A great day to lead this morning, men - excellent effort and even better mumblechatter. Until next time.....

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