“What’s a Dinghy?” – Another Belated BIrthday Beatdown with Dinghy
AO: Gladiator
When: 2024-07-18
QIC: Dinghy
PAX (15): Chanel, Cheneral, Darkside, DREAMER, Dutch Oven, Fire Drill, Hitchcock, Macbeth, Scratch-Off, Shirley Temple, Spandex, Speedo, TheBigShort, Yokel
As YHC approached the hallowed grounds of of the Gladiator shovel flag circle, he was immediately confronted by a question from Yokel: WHAT IS A DINGHY? First - the spelling of the word is not D-I-N-G-Y (that is an adjective for "dark and dirty," which describes the condition of YHC's soul), nor is it D-I-N-G-G-Y (That's an adjective for "empty-headed", which can sometimes describe YHC). D-I-N-G-H-Y is a noun for a small boat (or cute male genitalia). For purposes of this BB, however, D-I-N-G-H-Y is the dude who works to ensure that his F3 brothers get a potentially vomit-inducing beatdown all while enjoying a great playlist. Now that that's out of the way, we circled, quick disclaimer was given due to the veteran crew, and off we went.Warm-O-Rama:
10 each of weedpickers, Willie Mays Hays, Moroccan nightclubs, hillbillies, and SSH's. Mosey to the far picnic area parking lot.The Thang:
- Rolling Dry Hump - Starting at the corner nearest the picnic benches, pax conducted 1 Carolina Drydock and 4 Monkey Humpers. Pax continued with a lap around the the parking lot. Rinse and repeat, adding 1 Drydock and 4 Monkey Humpers to the total, proceeding through to 10 Drydocks and 49 Monkey Humpers. Imperial Walker for the 6, then pickup the 6. Mosey to the near soccer field.
- 11's with a Jack Webb / Burpees. Lining up on the near sideline, pax conducted 1 mercan with 4 air presses (a Jack Webb), then ran across the field to conduct 10 burpees, run back across. Rinse and repeat, increasing by 1/4 mercans to air presses, decreasing by 1 on burpees, to finish with 10 mercans / 40 air presses and 1 burpee (that's 55 total burpees - YHC's belated birthday present to his F3 brothers). Return to the flag
- 2 minutes of Mary - flutter kicks and American hammers, and THAT WAS TIME!