Beat the Heat

AO: Nirvana

When: 2024-06-15

QIC: Tank

PAX (8): Avis, Chubbs, Pinkey, Roman, Special K, Stu, turkey


Hottest day of the year to date, a lot of regulars out of town


Some exercises and high plank, burpees to the song Sweet City Women

The Thang:

Warm up

Sweet City Women

High plank

Burpees for the word sweet

Run to pull ups

4 Rounds

20 irkins

20 box jumps

5 or 10 pull ups

Sprint to Stairs and back


3 rounds

20 bonnie blairs

20 dips

20 Bobby Hurleys

Run stadium up and down 2x


10 yards reps equal yardage

20 yards

30 yards

Carolina Dry Docks

Crunchy Frog


10 Burpees at each return


Prayers for Goose, Officer who was shot, Swimmer who lost her arm, and praise for Chalupa’s son

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Had a special guest Sprocket show up for coffeteria

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