One Year Later

AO: Black Water

When: 2024-05-20

QIC: Mantooth

PAX (12): Baskins, Cha-Ching, Mantooth, Mr. Hand, Olaf, Pinkman, Schneider, Shroot, Snake, Soul Glo, Whiz, Diego


Celebrating my one year anniversary with F3 on May 22nd, but it all started at Black Water. So what better way to celebrate than to grab the Q and do a similar BeatDown that Whiz led when my cherry was popped.


We moseyed to the end of the parking lot of the flag for some SSHs, Good Mornings, Hillbillies, Weed Pickers, and Michael Phelps OYO.

The Thang:

PAX took a stroll of the city center street, stopping at every tall streetlight for 5 Merkins until we reached the parking deck. There was chatter about Whiz's BD being every other tall streetlight, but I know it was 10 Merkins. Regardless, the complaining had already started. Once in the parking deck, we performed an A & B set of three exercises of 15 reps each. Set A consisted of Merkins, American Hammers (AC), Mountain Climbers (AC). Set B consisted of Side Straddle Hops, Big Boy Situps, and Squats. PAX would perform set A on the bottom floor at the corner of the ramp (and every floor above it) and set B at the diagonal corner of the parking deck (and every floor above it). This added up to be 360 total reps when we reached the top, just 5 short of a full calendar. So we knock out 5 burpees to make it a full 365. PAX then moseyed back down the parking deck, NURing down the ramps. Once outside, we partnered up for some Derkins and Plank Jacks on the rock wall for three sets. One partner performed 8 Derkins while the other partner plank jacked. We then moseyed to the front of Crooked Culture for their short wall to perform 20 dips. Then back to the flag for 10 burpees until time.


Murph on Memorial Day at NFHS bottom field track with a gathering at Olaf's house afterwards. Night Shift run on June 8th, starting at Black Water. Details with times and distances to be shared on Slack. Prayers for the family of the man Schneider works with and everyone else involved in the deadly crash in Bartow County last night. Prayers for the family of the KSU student who was shot over the weekend. And prayers for a NFMS student who was recently diagnosed with bone cancer. Life is precious. We should be grateful for every day we have breath in our lungs and for good health to do what we do with F3.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

One year.... goes by fast! Feels like it was just yesterday, but at the same time, that I've been a part of this group forever. I am grateful that Pinkman invited me to this crazy thing called F3 and I haven't looked back since. So many men of F3 inspire me to continue to become better and I am thankful for you all! With the warmer weather of summer here, start EHing more men to find F3 and see what kind of impact we can make in this community! So here's to one year and many more to come!

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