Guess the heavy stuff won’t be coming down after all!

AO: The Bridge

When: 2024-01-26

QIC: Dinghy

PAX (13): Animal, Birdie, Butterknife, Feathers, Fuzzy Dice, Hackeysack, HIPAA, McCracken, Potter (Matt Rowand), Sockey, Utah, FNG SkidMark (WELCOME!)


A little bit warmer at The Bridge (vs.  the frozen tundra of The Hooch on Wednesday), but with the warm came rain....fortunately, The Bridge has options (and a ramp) so it was all good (even when the rain didn't come). With and FNG, full disclaimer was given, and off we went.


10 each of Weedpickers, Willie Mays Hays, Moroccan Nightclubs, SSH's. Mosey to the deck

The Thang:

  1. Up the ramp: 5 HR mercans, bear crawl 2 parking spaces. 5 jump squats, lunge walk 2 parking spaces. At the top of the ramp, air chair for the 6.
  2. Down the ramp: 5 regular downhill mercans, broad jump 2 parking spaces, 5 Big Boy situps, lunge walk 2 parking spaces. At the bottom of the ramp, air chair for the 6. Mosey to the lower deck.
  3. Rolling dryhumps: pax conducted multiples of 1 Carolina dry dock to 2 monkey humpers to 1 alpha count lunge walk. Worked through to 10/20/10 of each, mosey back to the start.
  4. Rolling Jack Webb: similar to above, except conducting 1 mercan to 4 air presses, 1 walking alpha count lunge walk. Complete 10/40/10 of each, mosey to the start.
  5. 11's side to side: Go to the side wall, conduct 10 donkey kicks, karaoke facing toward the exit, conduct 1 plank jack. Karaoke back facing the exit. Continue all the way through to 1 donkey kick and 11 plank jacks. Mosey back to the flag
  6. Short Mary with 15 gas pumpers....and that was time!


Don't forget Freezin for a Reason on the 3rd at Wills Park Prayers for safety for all travelling pax

Naked-Man Moleskin:

A great day to lead as always, men. And as always, it warms my heart to see The Bridge continuing to grow.

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