Defrosting the Stone

AO: Grindstone

When: 2024-01-22

QIC: Swiper

PAX (5): Durty Nelly, Hail Mary, Spit Valve, Swiper, Vanna


With a Cha-Ching VQ at BW, we expected a smaller crew but a heatwave sent the temps up to 25 degrees so let’s get it!!!


Mosey to the parking lot by the B-Ball courts for warm ups: weed pickers abe vigodas good mornings SSH

The Thang:

Head to the big hill for some 11’s: burpees on the bottom, star jumps at the top - strong effort by the PAX knocking out the exercises! Next, mosey to the sidewalk leading up to the north baseball fields BLIMPS ( modified) 20 of each exercise, then sprint to the concession stand, 5 wall taps, sprint back Box cutters lunges alpha imperial Walkers alpha mercans (5 diamond, 5 wide, 5 stagger left, 5 right) plank jacks squats Next, stay at the concession stand for 40’s: 30 donkey kicks/ 10 dips 20/ 20 10/ 30 head back towards the flag with a stop by the brick wallfor 2 rounds of wall sits


Props to all who came out and braved the freezing temperatures the past week! props to Cha-Ching for stepping up to the VQ!  Who’s next?

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Lots of challenges starting to take shape for 2024!  I’ve said it before…don’t wait until you think you’re ready - signing up for a race/ challenge will lock you in and give you the focus you need to get ready!  Lots of seasoned PAX who are more than willing to help you!

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