Physical Graffiti

AO: The Hooch

When: 2024-01-17

QIC: Popper

PAX (23): Angus, Animal, BallBoy, Birdie, Boomer, Dinghy, Fuzzy Dice, Half-Dozen, Maguire, Octane, Pigtails, Potter, Reboot, Saint2O, Shrimp, Spackle, Splinter, Sunshine, TURK, Utah, Zazu, Zima


In 12 degree weather, with 2 degree windchill, the PAX of the Hooch may find themselves doing the unusual. Splinter may find himself finally wearing gloves and long pants. Fuzzy Dice may find himself wearing shorts (ok maybe that's not so unusual). And all may find themselves at the fifth annual January Led Zeppelin-themed beatdown, this year with selections from their Physical Graffiti album as musical accompaniment.


Mosey run with high knees, butt kickers, and side shuffles. Circle up behind Ari Steakhouse for SSH, WP, WM, AC Fwd/Bwd IC.

The Thang:

The PAX know the drill by now. Three thangs: Thang 1: BLIMPS x 3 Thang 2: Bearway to Heaven (look it up in the Exicon. It's a slobber-knocker) Thang 3: Stairway to Seven. This year we did burpees at street level to get closer to completing the 100-burpee daily challenge. Return to the flag, where we did 4 more burpees to get our total burpee count to 75, in honor of Physical Graffiti's 1975 release year.


Prayers and praises

Naked-Man Moleskin:

YHC is a creature of habit, and this annual cold weather tribute to an incredible band is one expression of it. Thankful to these brothers for putting up with this routine five years running, and allowing YHC to lead and to follow.

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