Weight and Motion = You Don’t Freeze

AO: Black Widow

When: 2024-01-20

QIC: Ha-ha

PAX (15): Animal, Corner Kick, Cox, DeLorean, G String, Ha-ha, Mater, Matlock, McEnroe, Meatball, NRA, Roundup, Speedo, Utah, Github


Feathers Down!  Emergency note went out for a Q.   I got yer Q.  Time to tour the park for the folks who will be here for The Barkley 5K.


16 degrees and very breezy with 10-15 mph wind blowing. Lets see if we can find something to break the wind.  No, not Cox!   Short mosey to the upper lot as Cox, Github, Corner Kick all continued to arrive.  
  • SSH
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Weed Pickers
Lets get moving.  

The Thang:

String of Pearls today so we can keep putting distance under our feet and move our blood. Back to the Tesla where the girlfriends are waiting. Everyone grab a girl. Mosey up the road to the stairs at the park entrance. Partner up. One partner does weighted squats while the other runs to the top of the stairs and back with their girl. Flapjack. After each partner makes 5 trips we moved on to the trail and down to the split where the loop trail peels off. Partner one carries both girls at a fast walk while partner 2 drops for 10 merkins and then runs to catch up. Flapjack.  Continue all the way back to the main trail.  Squats for the 6.  Backwards walk with your girl up the trail to the top of the Widowmaker. Curls for the 6.  Drop your girl on the side of the road and run down to the manhole cover (person hole cover?) drop for 10 merkins and run back to the top. Air chair for the 6. Continue on the trail to the next trail junction for the short up hill that connects back to the trail by the under road tunnel.  Partner 1 does overhead press, partner 2 runs to the top and back. Flapjack for 5 trips each partner.  Continue up the trail to the back entrance.  Lunge walk with your girl up the trail to the lake.  We had to make sure there were no snakes for Speedo so we went next to the lake to the tennis center. Stop in the parking lot to collect the 6. 7 minutes to get back to the flag. Run up the hill to the concession stand between the baseball fields, stop and burpee for the 6. Continue back to the flag. No snakes. No mosquitoes. Just cold.


Barkley 5 K coming up in 2 weeks. Prayers for Feathers Praise that Speedo's dad has completed cancer treatment.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

There is no bad weather. Just poor clothing choices.  Get out and get it done! Also in F3 we are never without a leader.  We are a group of leaders.

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