AO: The Last Stand

When: 2024-01-17

QIC: Jorts

PAX (3): Ballerina, Jorts, Steamer


Our brother Sparky became Grandpa Sparky on Tuesday, so he opted out of his Q and passed the baton to YHC to spend some well deserved time with his daughter and new granddaughter Louise.   YHC recognized the frigid forecast and did everything in my power to keep the pax warm, even to the point that pax started sweating so much they were freezing to the ground..


AIC x 10 (and calling cadence with your mouth covered by a balaclava is not recommended)
  • SSH
  • Don quixote
  • bear hugs
  • lunges
  • skol claps
  • copperhead squats
  • warm-up merkins (5)

The Thang:

in recognition of the 12 degrees of mercury YHC pulled out some sandbags and dialed up a round of 12s
  • Step-ups (alpha count with sandbag) starting at 11 and going down
  • Sandbag burpees starting at 1 and working up
  • 25 yard up hill run between each set
Quick round of upper body to finish out
  • Chest press with sandbag
  • Shoulder press with sandbag
  • Farmers carry with 2 sandbags (~15 yards out and back) as the timer


Continued prayers for our brothers' family members who are fighting cancer - Drainhole and Fenway

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