ssh & burpees

AO: The Bridge

When: 2024-01-12

QIC: Birdie

PAX (12): Birdie, Dinghy, Fuzzy Dice, Hackeysack, HIPAA, Humperdinck, Maguire, Popper (Dan Richard), Potter (Matt Rowand), Saint2O, Zima, Inspector Gadget


YHC preblasted it would be 0.0 BD and asked to bring coupon.


Since it was a veteran crews, quick disclaimer and we did: Wind Mill, Weed Picker, SSH, Toy Solider, Michael Phelps. Then walked to walkway in front of theater.  

The Thang:

YHC handed out the weinke for the exercises & reps.

1 Goblet Squat 25
SSH 25
Burpees 10
2 American Hammer 25
SSH 25
Man Maker 10
3 Kettle Bell Swing 25
SSH 25
Burpees 10
4 Bonnie Blair AC 25
SSH 25
Man Maker 10
5 Curl 25
SSH 25
Burpees 10
6 Mountain Climber AC 25
SSH 25
Man Maker 10
7 Overhead Press 25
SSH 25
Burpees 10
8 Reverse Crunch 25
SSH 25
Man Maker 10
9 Bentover Row 25
SSH 25
Burpees 10
10 Superman Pullups 25
SSH 25
Man Maker 10

We finished round 1. Round 2, YHC eliminated the Burpees/Man Maker.

With a few minutes left  YHC called for time. For Mary: LBC, Dying Cockroach, Pickle Pounder, a few others that YHC forgot.


There were one or 2 announcements that YHC forgot. Prayer for guidance for Dinghy's FIL decision whether to move to assisted living.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Grateful for the PAX that posted this morning. If you have not Q in a while or ever, put your name in the Q sheet, we'll help you. It was an honor to lead this morning. Until next time.

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