
AO: Grindstone

When: 2024-01-12

QIC: Durty Nelly

PAX (12): Corn Dog, Crab Cake, DirtyMO, Durty Nelly, Jiminy, jugdish, Macbeth, Omaha, Snake, Snowman, Vanna, Whiz, FNG - Ridge


10 Good Mornings 10Weed Pickers 10 Imperial Walkers 10 Moroccan Nightclub Mosey to get a coupon

The Thang:

1 .  Gemini - Last-Man-Up with Coupon -PAX form single file line on sideline of 50-yard line -Lift and hold coupon above head, brisk march forward around football field perimeter -Last man tucks coupon, sprints to front -Repeat for full lap -Second lap, continue to hold but lower coupon to chest during march   2. Gemini - Twin 200 x 200 -Partner in endzone (no coupons) -One man runs to other endzone and back (200 yards) -During run, the partner is doing burpees -Switch and continue count until 200 burpees combined -Big boy sit ups to pick up the 6   3. Circle at Flag -2 Minute Plank -20 Alabama Prom Date -20 American Hammers  


F2 - 11:30 Lunch Today, Friday 1/12/24 at Village Burger in downtown Cumming for Dumpster's send of before his climb in Mexico  

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