
AO: The Last Stand

When: 2024-01-01

QIC: Ballerina

PAX (2): Ballerina, PlayerOne


1st bd of the year


Side straddle hop, toy soldier, hill billy, Abe pagoda, weed picker, mosey

The Thang:

20x24 - 20 exercises 24 reps - 5 burpees between each exercise for total of 100 burpees ( MABA ) Exercises: merkins, squats, dips, stone mt, lunge(alpha count), derkins, Bonnie blair, step up, incline merkins, good morning, lateral lunge(alpha), calf raises, Apollo ono, ww2, lbc, pretzel crunch, flutter kick(alpha), iyt, bbs, reverse crunch kick ups


Gratitude for showing up, strength for the coming year, gratitude for family

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