2024, MABA and Shit

AO: The Hooch

When: 2024-01-03

QIC: Zohan

PAX (30): Angus, Animal, BallBoy, Birdie, Boomer, Chesapeake, Feathers, Flo, Fuzzy Dice, Half-Dozen, HIPAA, Humperdinck, Lotus, Maguire, Mater, Pigtails, Popper (Dan Richard), Potter, PuffDaddy, Saint2O, Scrooge, Shrimp, Spackle, Stifler (Jeff Levy), Sunshine, TURK, Utah, Zazu, Zima, Zohan


First Q in 2024! I signed up to do MABA, so let's incorporate it into the beatdown.


Mosey in the parking lot, including some side shuffles and ass kickers. Circled up for SSH, Windmills, Weed Pickers, Moroccan Night Clubs, Hand Release Merkins and Squats.

The Thang:

Bring your cinders under the awning, where a white board awaited with the details of 11s Pyramid, of sorts. Start as a regular 11s of 10 Curls and 1 Burpee, going to 7 Curls and 4 Burpees. Then change to 6 Thrusters and 5 Burpees all the way down to 2 Thrusters and 9 Burpees. The "1" is a big run around the parking lot and behind the movie theater, then do the 10 Burpees. Since it's a pyramid we're going back down on the Burpees, starting with 2 Skulls Crushers and 9 Burpees till 6 and 5. Last part starts with 7 Kettlebell Swings and 4 Burpees to 10 and 1. Total number of Burpees is 100, perfect for MABA (if you're doing it. If you're not, it's still good for you).


Praises for Lotus's family member making progress with cancer, and Cookie's niece that was found before new years. YHC talked about setting goals, only after you've identified problems in your life that you're trying to solve. If you are not trying to solve a problem (or if you cannot articulate that the problem is), you're much less likely to complete your goals. Once you've set your goals, let other people know - People you can trust to give you shit if you're going off track. This is something F3 men would excel in - giving you shit for not meeting your own goals (like posting HC or signing up to Q, but not showing up). This isn't about forcing my standards on others, but supporting them to meet their own goals.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Thank you for this group!

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