Don’t Flatter Yourself

AO: The Bridge

When: 2023-12-15

QIC: Zohan

PAX (7): Boomer, Dinghy, Fuzzy Dice, Hackeysack, Maguire, Potter (Matt Rowand), Zohan


It's still cold. YHC wouldn't mind if Winter will end, but it doesn't seem to be the case. Signing up to Q is a great way to make sure I don't stay under covers as my instincts are telling me. Shut up instincts.


Started the disclaimer at 5:30am with 5 PAX attending and one that just arrived. Started a mosey when another PAX arrived. We did not wait and continued the run around the block (assuming they'll follow), when we realized we're missing both of them. Waited a moment and turned back, catching them going the wrong way just before possibly losing them completely for today. Once all 7 of us were together, continued the mosey and circled up near the parking deck for SSH, Windmills, Weed Pickers, OYO Arm Circles, Copper Head Squats, and I think Hillbillies?

The Thang:

Near the tesla chargers a cone waited for us, one of 6 strategically placed either at various edges of the trail (4 of them) or intersections (2 of them). Each Cone had different 3 exercises with the same 10-20-30 count. We run to all 4 edges to do the prescribed work. We passed each intersection cone three times, which means we also did each of them 3 times. The starting cone was also the finish cone so it was done twice. The cones were:
  • Start and End: 10 Hand Release Merkins, 20 Imperial Walkers alpha and 30 Flatter Kicks alpha
    • Note the spelling mistake, for which YHC got some justified grief from the PAX. They were very joyous and started to flatter one another on their physique, attire, personality, you name it. And they did some Flutter Kicks too.
  • Intersection: 10 Burpees, 20 Merkins and 30 American Hammers alpha.
  • Intersection: 10 Bonnie Blairs alpha, 20 Shoulder Taps alpha, 30 Monkey Humpers
  • Edge: 10 Mahktar N'Diayes, 20 Jump Squats, 30 LBCs
  • Edge: 10 Big Boy Sit-ups, 20 SSH and 30 Mountain Climbers alpha
  • Edge: 10 No surrenders, 20 Plank Jacks (4-count) and 30 Rosalita
We finished the main Thang with almost 10 minutes to spare. YHC promised we'll play with some toys if time allows. Under 10 min was cutting it close, but I wanted to give it a try. So we moseyed to my car and brought a few items to the flag for a quick Ring of Fire.
One person runs a short distance and back, then we rotate. The other stations were: Shoulder Press with a 20lb weight, over your shoulder throws with a 60lb sandbag, one handed raises with a 30lb weight, kettle bell swings with a regular cinder, burpees (no coupon) and Big Boys (no coupon).
We had time for just one round, though everyone wanted more. With less than 3 minutes to go we did some Dips and Step ups, closing with 3 OYO Burpees.


Christmas party at Feathers tonight. Blood drive on the 22nd. Safe travels. Grace for dealing with family members.

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