Merkins and more merkins

AO: Galaxy

When: 2023-12-05

QIC: Tweaker

PAX (10): AOC, Jorts, McLovin (Amir Oren), New Coke, Skol, Spirit Fingers, Steamer, Tweaker, Wideright, Woody


QIC was told no legs today so decided all upper body instead.


  • 15 SSH
  • 14 Weedpickers
  • 13 Don Quixote
  • 12 Moroccan Night Clubs
  • 11 Skål Claps
  • 10 Imperial Walkers

The Thang:

Starting a 30 we lapped the park reducing by 1 Merkin at each station
  • At shovel flag merkins
  • At turn for pavilion wekins
  • Back of park near left side of stage stone mountains
  • At stage incline merkins
  • Back of park near right side of stage hand release merkins
  • At pavilion derkins
  • At park large flag foxholes


  • Prayers for Widerights M who is having a procedure for her knee
  • Prayers for Steamer and his long 600 mile bike ride
  • Prayers for Skål's mom having knee surgery
  • Prayers for Sprit Fingers

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