Backdoor Santa Surprise

AO: Academy

When: 2023-12-05

QIC: Irene

PAX (8): Caffey, Cookie, Devito, HotSauce, lumbergh, Mayhem, Turbine


Before I even posted an HC call, I received messages from Cookie and Lumbergh informing me of the opportunity to prank Haha and join in his Q. I'm always down to support a prank, so I said yes and deferred my Q to a future date.


We met behind the bleachers, endured an exceedingly long, and ultimately incorrect, disclaimer from YHC before starting a Merkin Mile over to Rubicon. We did 25 Merkins at each speed bump and one more set when we reached our meeting point near the yellow playground. 100 total merkins and AMRAP Squats before joining the Rubicon BD led by Haha.

The Thang:

We joined Haha's BD, seen here:   With 10 minutes left, the Academy crew jetted out to return to the bleachers. We reached with two minutes to go and squeezed in a Mary of Hello Dollies, Diamon Merkins, J.Los, and Freddie Mercuries.


Prayers for those in need. Prayers for No-See-Um's family. Santa Ruck on Saturday, December 9. Rubicon collection on Thursday, December 7. Red Cross Blood Drive with F3 Alpha on 12/22. Check Slack for the sign-up link.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Thank you all for coming out. We ultimately had 21 show up for Haha's BD with only 4 showing for the official kickoff at Rubicon. Pretty good showing for a Tuesday!

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