AO: Windjammer

When: 2023-11-22

QIC: Townie

PAX (17): Caroline, Cookie, Cox, DeLorean, Dípstick, Mayflower, Milli Vanilli, Nair, NRA, Sparkie, Stu, Townie, Walkie Talkie, Zohan, Bobsled, Wheels, Aquaman


'Tis the day before Thanksgiving and we continue on with a new tradition here at the Country Club better known as Windjammer.  The Windjammer Wednesday Before Thanksgiving Feast - or WWBTF for short.


Mosey to the Dam.  SSH.  Weed Pickers.  Imperial Walkers.   Arm Circles.  Michael Phelps.   

The Thang:

Mosey from dam to the Turkey Field (coupon pile).  Shoot your own turkey by doing 10 burpees to pay for your gun.  Then select your turkey.  Once you have your turkey, you can NOT let it go.  He will flutter away (they can’t fly) and your family will go hungry.  Rifle Carry / Skull Crushers your turkey from the rockpile back to the Parking lot (about ¼ Mile).  Once at the parking lot, we will do the following:   Merkins x 5 Arm Curls x 10 Squats x 15 Hammers (American) x 20 Alpha Elbow 2 Knees x 15 (each side) Derkins x 10   Rifle Carry your turkey around the circle.     Peter Parkers x 5 (Alpha) Outlaws (legs in a big circle stretched out flat) x 10 The Lion King (squat with turkey between knees, then thrust) x 15 Alternating Side Squats x 20  Tempo Merkins (3 count down, 1 count up) x 15 Outlaws (yes, again) / Overhead Presses x 10    Long Lap around full parking lot, mosey up the hill, Bernie back down the hill.  Swap turkeys.  Repeat Mashed Potato.  Swap turkeys with turkey across from you, rifle carry / skull crushers / curls back to the turkey field.  Indian run back to the flag.  Around the horn Mary until time. 


Welcome FNG Errol (sorry if that is mis-spelled) F3 Bobsled!  Being born in Jamaica and coaching the track team (aka being fast) can only lead to one nickname.  Aye to Cookie for the naming suggestion.  Bobsled you are welcome back anytime! NLB Beatdown 12/2.  0630 beatdown.  0715 breakfast Santa Ruck 12/9 Blood drive coming up.  You will get phone calls.  And e-mails.  And Dípstick at your front door with duct tape and rope.  But seriously, kudos to him & Irene for organizing this very important way to help save a life.  I've donated 2-3x with F3 and will go again this year.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

We had many PAX contribute to the feast this morning with bagels, donuts, juice, coffee, eggs, bacon, biscuits, bananas & fruit.  In true country club fashion we also some nice additions to the coffees to liven up our mornings a little.  Thanks to those who contributed! This group of men is very important to me (and all of us) and it's nice to be able to show our thanks for the friendship, the push, and overall fellowship we have together. Happy Thanksgiving Men.  Always honored to lead.

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