The one where Hot Sauce did show up

AO: Academy

When: 2023-11-14

QIC: Mayhem

PAX (4): Cookie, HotSauce, lumbergh


After several great guest Qs lately, YHC new he had to keep up the energy.  While it was just the regulars today, the only real unknown was if Hot Sauce would honor his HC (unlike last week).  At 5:15, it didn't look good, and I was already thinking up some snide remarks to post on Slack.  Fortunately, he found us at the parking garage, and all was forgiven.  On to it!



The Thang:

  1. Headed to the parking garage.  Alternated 10 x groiners/10 Freddie Mercuries at the corners all the way to the top.  Coming back down, we switched to 10 x Carolina Dry Docks/10 x Plank Jacks. Once complete, headed to the track.
  2. Tortoise and the Hares returns!  One PAX put on their shell (carried the cinder block around the track) while the rest performed the exercise, then caught up & rotated.  Went through 2 full rotations of each exercise - 15 merkins, then 10 Star Jumps, and finally 5 burpees.
  3. Afterwards we moved over to the parking lot for a modified 4 corners.  The catch was that your movement between the exercise had to always be facing Innovation Academy (so forwards, backwards, karaoke left/right).  Round one: 25 Goblet Squats, 20 lunges, 15 monkee humpers (oh yeah...), 10 Bonnie Blairs.  Round 2: 25 Curls, 20 hand release merkins, 15 Crab Cakes, 10 Mike Tysons.


Mumblechatter was excellent this morning, great catching up.  As HotSauce said, made the time fly by. -Santa Ruck 12/9 - See MT's note on slack about needs/how to help. -Chili Ruck this Sunday at 1pm.  Super bummed I can't make this one, but u9 girls soccer plays the trump card again.

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