Cinder Birthday Party

AO: Gladiator

When: 2023-11-14

QIC: Stroller

PAX (13): Butterknife, Chanel, Cheneral, Cousin Eddie, Darkside, DREAMER, Hitchcock, Macbeth, Slider, Spandex, Speedo, Stroller, Brownie


Tomorrow's my birthday, and Dreamer was nice enough to let me grab the Q for today. Solo pre-run...first since 2020?


Ran to the upper pavillion lot. High knees in place until the 6 arrives
  • SSH x 34
  • Imperial Walker x 15
  • Windmill x 10
  • Mercan x 10
  • Mountain Climber x 15

The Thang:

Liberally borrowed a cinder routine from a recent Jugdish beatdown... Start at the endline of the soccer field. For each round, run to the opposite end and complete 5 HR Mercans. Return to start and perform 34 of the designated exercise. Worked in lunges, blockees, curls, thrusters, situps, bent over rows, and skull crushers. Returned to the flag with 3 minutes remaining. Mountain climbers, Am hammers, diamonds, and 5 burpees. That's it.


  • Santa Ruck December 9. Spandex collecting money for a group purchase, or bring in cans
  • Praise for Dreamer and Macbeth successfully completing their first marathon Saturday!

Naked-Man Moleskin:

No better way to kick off birthday celebrations!!

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