Greatest hit of 1977

AO: Windjammer

When: 2023-11-10

QIC: Walkie Talkie

PAX (10): Cookie, Mayflower, Maytag AI, Milli Vanilli, Nair, Sparkie, Stu, uga, Dipstick


A 10Pax of Jammers woke up early to do hard things. So the day before my birthday was met with a speaker technical difficulty. But nonetheless, we pivot and roll on like Windjammers do. It's my last day of 45, Veterans Day Eve, and a balmy 60 degrees. Let's friggin go...  


With the sounds of the 1970s in our minds we moseyed to the dam for 46 SSHs followed by WeedPickers, Hillbillies, Windmills, ArmCircles, & Michael Phelps

The Thang:

We grabbed our Stu and headed to the Sports Park for a series of challenges:
  1. Swerkins & Run in two teams X2
  2. Pullups & Squats in 3 lines
  3. Dips & Lunges X2
  4. 11s on the court of (North) Carolina Dry Docks & Freddie Mercs
We moseyed up to the Veterans Day Flags where we paused and honored our local Veterans. We did 60 Merkins and 3 runs through the flags as we remembered and thanked this small group of Veterans and all Veterans that serve/d our great country. May we never take you for granted. Lastly, we moseyed to the parking lot and did Colt46s with a coupon and got to hear some of 1970s greatest hits. What, no burpees yet? We wrapped with a one of the 1970s greatest hits, Roxanne. We divided into Team Roxanne & Team Red Light and did SSHs until we heard our team name and did a burpee. Yes, I consider myself one of the greatest hits of 1977 as well. Haha.


Prayers for Milli's friend in PA battling cancer. Lot's of upcoming activities: 11/11 Convergence, 11/19 Beer Ruck, 11/22 Breakfast @ Windjammer, 12/2 NLB Beatdown & Breakfast, & 12/9 Santa Ruck Stu brought a great Truth Nugget around his experience doing Rim to Rim for the second time with his son in October. 1. The prize is worth the training  2. Time spent with loved ones is precious.  3. Set a goal and work toward it. What's your Why?

Naked-Man Moleskin:

There's truly no better way to get a day started than waking up early and doing hard challenges with you men. Thanks for the push, the accountability, the camaraderie, & the community. Iron sharpens iron. Let's do this, 46.

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