(cinder) Block Party

AO: Grindstone

When: 2023-11-10

QIC: jugdish

PAX (10): Corn Dog, DirtyMO, Durty Nelly, Hail Mary, Inseam, Omaha, Snowman, Soul Glo, Spit Valve


YHC wanted to throw a (cinder) block party to close out the week and usher in the weekend.  All that was missing was a compelling reason to celebrate.  Turns out Deuce is turning 42 on Sunday.  Cue the music.


At the flag, some SSH, weed pickers, WMH, Moroccan Nightclubs

The Thang:

Carry the cinders to the sideline of the field.  between every round, we pick up the six.  Leave no man behind. Leave no man where you found him.
  • Round 1: run a across the field, perform 2 perfect merkins and run back to your cinder for 42 Blockies (Man Makers).
  • Round 2: run a across the field, perform 2 perfect merkins and run back to your cinder for 42 lunges with the cinder.
  • Round 3: run a across the field, perform 2 perfect merkins and run back to your cinder for 42 bent over rows.
  • Round 4: run a across the field, perform 2 perfect merkins and run back to your cinder for 42 thrusters.
  • Round 5: run a across the field, perform 2 perfect merkins and run back to your cinder for 42 big boy situps with the cinder.
  • Round 6: run a across the field, perform 2 perfect merkins and run back to your cinder for 42 curls for the girls.
Rifle carry back to the flag for some Turn Down the What, an idea I stole from Valley Girly: Run in place for the duration of the song, do a burpee every time you hear the line Turn Down the What.   Finish with 2 minutes of Mary


Lots going on:
  • Convergence tomorrow
  • Mac n Cheese mosey on thanksgiving
  • Santa Ruck on the 9th
  • Christmas Party at Baskins' place on the 9th
  Prayers for job stuff and Crab Cake's knee recovery

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Thank you for the privilege to lead ITG

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