Uranus, Squirrel, Rings…..okay, Jupiter it is.

AO: Rubicon

When: 11/09/2023

QIC: No-See-Um

PAX (18): Avis, Caffey, Cookie, FannyPack, Focker, Hollywood, Isner, Lefty, Lil Hurt, lumbergh, MillerTime, Pinkey, Red Ryder (D Mack), Special K, Trebek, Jupiter, Pet Sounds


It has been quite awhile men, but YHC saw that Q sheet open on Monday….quickly and quietly snagged it. So quietly that our fearless Site Q Avis didn’t even know it had been taken till around lunch on Wednesday.


Now time to remember how to plan a beatdown. Great thing is that the Q has all the control baby!!! YHC also knew this was a perfect opportunity to invite an FNG for the umpteenth time….but it worked!


All pax but one (YHC) moseyed for a quick lap around parking lot and then on to the Meat-Grinder…I mean Cheese-Grader for the warm-up. Various exercises such as Imp. Walkers, Weed Pickers, Merkins, Plank Jacks, Shoulder Taps, Arm Circles and Covids.

The Thang:

To the East Concession Stand were two groups were formed.

  1. Wall Sits/Run to Flag Pole & back….Flapjack
  2. BTTW/Bear Crawl around concession stand….Flapjack
  3. Wall Sits/Run to Flag Pole….Flapjack
  4. BTTW/Bear Crawl…Flapjack

A little break with 20 Step-Ups OYO and then on to a challenge.

1’s would hold BTTW for as long as possible while 2’s would perform 10 Burpees then plank until 3rd to last man drops. Then Flapjack it. YES, 1’s ruled and 2’s drooled (as Fanny Pack called it)….over a 30 second difference!!!


On to the Field of Dreams:

Dora 1-2-3 with partners being from the other side.

  • 100 Merkins
  • 200 American Hammers
  • 300 Monkey Humpers

Movements were running bases, Bear Crawl and Monster/Duck Walk.

*We all missed Devito here as his howling would have been a welcome distraction.


On to West Concession stand for a Miller Time special (thanks for the demonstration):

Donkey Dan’s – ratio of 1 Merkin:3 Donkey Kicks…only went up to 5:15 b/c of time and b/c Q said so!


Back to flag for 3 MOM.



Welcome to our Down Ranger-Pet Sounds and YHC’s FNG – Jupiter!


Thankful for the prayers, encouragement and accountability from all the pax during the past 2+ months since knee injury/surgery. Definitely helps a man stay motivated when he knows there are men in the gloom rooting him on!




  • This Saturday, 11/11 is Fall Convergence at Perimeter Church in Johns Creek. Sign Waiver and show up…7 AM start and PR activities as well.


  • Sunday, 11/19 is Beer Ruck/Chili Cookoff. Fun Times and will incorporate donations for Santa Ruck/NFCC. This is a great time and most definitely 2.0  friendly!!


  • Santa Ruck – Saturday, 12/9. More details to come but a GREAT EVENT!


  • Next Friday, 11/17 Special K’s band playing at Coastal in Roswell (Hwy 92)…check slack for details.

Naked-Man Moleskin:


A spirited crew today of 18 strong and missed Devito…prayers for quick recovery from the slipped disc. Great to have a down ranger (Pet Sounds) with some nice words about the Rubicon men and the lively mumble chatter throughout.


FNG Jupiter was in the sharing mood this am and nickname could have gone in a lot of different directions.


Wonderful Coffeeteria and TNT. Look for links on Peter Attia podcast, books as well as some other book ideas.


Great to be back leading men and always forget how much the adrenaline gets going when you have the Q!!!

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