Crackheads are people, too

AO: Galaxy

When: 2023-11-07

QIC: Fenway

PAX (10): Abacus (Mark Green), Drain Hole, Fenway, New Coke, Skol, Sparky, Spirit Fingers, Wideright, Yearn, Mamas Boy


Wideright and Sparky picked up a straggler wandering the streets during the ruck. Wideright and Drain Hole helped him find his car in place of the beatdown.


- Weedpickers - Toy soldiers - Moroccan night clubs - Imperial Walkers
  • Wave of mountain climbers: - Everyone in plank position - Each PAX does 1 mountain climber in turn (like a wave), then 2 mountain climbers, etc - until 10, holding plank position in between

The Thang:

4 corners with lap in between - 10 hand-release merkins - 20 X-factors - 30 werkins - 40 WWIIs Rapid-fire ab exercises, 1 minute each - LBCs - Ankle grabbers - Freddy Mercuries - Heels to heaven - Big boys


Prayers for the extra rucker and his battle with addiction.

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