1 year F3versary Part Two

AO: Firehouse

When: 2023-11-09

QIC: Better Call Saul

PAX (3): Better Call Saul, Lightweight, Seaman


Thursday was part 2 of the 1 year F3versary and so it was appropriate that the same two PAX who came on Tuesday were back today.  The rest of you are dead to me.


the usual

The Thang:

My first BD was on 11/8/22 and the Q was Ace Ventura.  We replicated that BD which consisted of going to the ball field and running from corner to corner doing an exercise at each corner called out by one of the PAX. We did, in no particular order; merkins, pretzel crunches, calf raises and reverse calf raises, Rosalitas, fire hydrants, burpees, LBCs, Peter Parkers, Mountain Climbers and several others.  A good time was had by all.  


Acceleration Point (available for reading on the 11/7 backlist) Prayers Convergence for F3Alpha at Perimeter Church on Saturday morning 2nd F is next Tuesday night - location TBD by Lightweight

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Here's to another year of F3 acceleration

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