Dry Run

AO: The Hooch

When: 2023-11-08

QIC: Popper

PAX (31): Angus, Animal, BallBoy, Beaver, Birdie, Boomer, Chesapeake, Feathers, Flo, Fuzzy Dice, HIPAA, Humperdinck, Maguire, Mater, Meatball, Mounty, Octane, Potter, PuffDaddy, Saint2O, Skunkworks, Spackle, Sunshine, Tenderfoot, TURK, Utah, Zima, Einstein, Pigskin (FNG), Cowboy (DR)


This Saturday 11/11 is the Fall 2023 F3 Alpha Convergence. YHC preblasted that at Wednesday's beatdown we would dry run the beatdown plan in abbreviated format. The goal is for station Q's and Yours Truly to dry run our ideas, get a feel for timing and transitions, and work out the kinks.


After 5 PAX pre-ran/rucked, 31 PAX gathered in the gloom at the Hooch. Among them stood 1 FNG (eventually dubbed Pigskin) and 2 DR PAX from Philly (Skunkworks) and NJ (Cowboy). YHC gave the disclaimer, five core principles, and a brief explanation of the morning's plan. Then began the fun:
  • SSH, Weed Picker, Windmill, Moroccan Nightclub in cadence
  • Mosey to Perimeter track; along the way, do high knees, butt kickers, side shuffles both directions, Bernie Sanders, and skips for height and distance

The Thang:

If you want to know what we did, come to the convergence Saturday 11/11 to experience the full program first-hand. Mosey back to the flag, doing lunges at the bakery and Mary (dying cockroach, LBC, a few others) to finish out the time.


Named our FNG Pigskin. The guy who EH'ed him is a high school soccer player and assistant coach of the U12 boys soccer team that Feathers, Tightrope and YHC coach. However this high school coach himself did not post for his own FNG workout that he EH'ed another FNG for! We'll welcome him next time and perhaps name him accordingly. ;-) Prayers for Flo's cousin whose son took his own life recently. For grieving, comfort, peace. Prayers for YHC's company and the large portion of staff getting pink slips this week.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

One of the virtues of leadership spoken of in the Q Source is Preparation. This morning the Hooch shared leadership team for the convergence practiced their portions of the program in preparation for Saturday. At coffeeteria, YHC overheard the minor adjustments that station Q's were planning  based on the morning's dry run, and YHC coached docents and pre-run Q's on logistics. It was a productive morning. Looking forward to seeing PAX from across the Alpha, Gwinnett, Atlanta, and who knows where else this Saturday. SYITG!

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