Cinders are jolly

AO: Starting Line

When: 2023-11-08

QIC: Valley Girl

PAX (7): Better Call Saul, Jolt, Script Kiddie, Seaman, Sirmixalot, toadstool


Time for another roadtrip to Starting Line to see the great pax up North


Mosey around parking lot then stop for WP, WMH, reverse lunges, hillbillies and sunGods

The Thang:

Home base at the balloon basket. Run to sidewalk where the cinders are stationed, do a set of exercises, then run backwards back to home base. 5 burpees every time you come home.  3 sets of each exercise 15 Curls x 3 15 Elf on a shelf  x 3 15 Bent over Rows  x 3 15 Thrusters  x 3 15 Dercans  x 3 15 Goblet squats  x 3 Good body workout and ended up being 85 burpees in between all the sets.


Script Kiddie's dad going into Surgery Seaman's friends on the job hunt Better Call Saul 1 yr f3 anniversary

Naked-Man Moleskin:

F3 is full of great men. Get out on some roadtrips once in a while and visit other AO's around the metro area.

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