1 year F3versary Part One

AO: Firehouse

When: 2023-11-07

QIC: Better Call Saul

PAX (3): Better Call Saul, Lightweight, Seaman


YHC took the Q for both Firehouse beatdowns this week in celebration (?) of my 1 year F3versary - this was Part One Seeing the lack of HCs the night before, I called an audible and decided we'd ruck.


no warmup - we started rucking right away

The Thang:

We came, we saw, we rucked.


Announcements and Prayers

Naked-Man Moleskin:

enjoyed the conversation and fellowship with Seaman and Lightweight One year ago, SirMixalot invited me to throw caution and comfort to the wind and start getting up well before the crack of dawn to work out.  One year later, I have been consistently going to the gloom and trying to be a HIM.  I have made new friends and have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know the HIM in F3 Cumming and Dawsonville.  No plan to stop now. Part Two on Thursday

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