Flappy Gorilla Complex

AO: The Hooch

When: 2023-11-06

QIC: Spackle

PAX (17): Beaver, Birdie, Chesapeake, FannyPack, Half-Dozen, HIPAA, Octane, Popper (Dan Richard), Potter (Matt Rowand), Saint2O, Spackle, Splinter, Sunshine, Tenderfoot, TURK, Zima, Bubbles


People put too much stock in leg day. Let’s plan on working out those guns. Bring gloves and a COUPON or two.


  • Mountain man poopers
  • Wind mills
  • Weed Pickers
  • Michael Phelps
Mossey Half parking lot to bakery. 21s
  • In unison PAX does 2-count side straddle hop and counts reps 1-5 out loud. Reps 6-21 are all mental and everyone must stop together at 21
  • If fail, 5 burpees
  • Had to repeat the 21s 4 times.
Mossey Back to Flag

The Thang:

Albatross Wings

A series of arm exercises done In Cadence without lowering hands in between.  (11 count each)

  • Forward Arm Circles,
  • Backwards Arm Circles,
  • Seal claps,
  • Overhead claps,
  • Moroccan Night Club,
  • Cherry Pickers,
  • Chinooks, (Overhead arm circles)
  • Front Raises, (raise arms to the front and reach out)
  • Overhead Press,
  • Albatross (flapping wings),
  • and finish with 45 degree angle hold (22 count)

Gorilla Complex

  • With a cinder block or other coupon, PAX perform the following OYO without stop:
  • 8 Curls For Girls
  • 8 High Pulls (bring coupon to chin level in front of you)
  • 8 Overhead Presses
  • 8 Skull Crushers (Tricep Extensions)
  • then drop coupon for 8 Merkins.
  • Follow this up by a quick mosey for a brief upper body recovery, (three rows of parking aisles. 
  • Rinse and Repeat 8 Times

Coupon Death March

  • Lined up in two lines and March with coupon around the parking lot.
  • last person does 3 blockies.  And then runs up and catches the line, the new last man stops & blockies, and first goes to the front.
  • Go until all have gone.
Mary at the Flag to finish


  • Prayers for Convergence on Saturday. Need food, funds, coffee
  • Popper’s businesses is going through lay offs of 13% of the staff.  While he is not impacted, he does have to have some layoff conversations with an individual today.
  • Praise that Hippa’s friend who we prayed for in the past  who was struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts seems to be doing better.

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