Is a sub a sandwich?

AO: The Bridge

When: 2023-11-03

QIC: Humperdinck

PAX (11): Birdie, Crash Pad, Dinghy, Fuzzy Dice, Hackeysack, HIPAA, Hormone (Joey Low), Potter (Matt Rowand), Spackle, TURK


Due to some last minute time challenges for our brother Potter's work, YHC stepped in with a plan to celebrate National Sandwich Day. I lived on sandwiches throughout college and still enjoy a hefty pile of meat on bread with some Duke's mayo and dijon mustard. Blimpie subs kept me alive for a few years to we gave tribute to National Sandwich Day with some BLIMPIES.


Quick mosey around the fountain then 15 of each SSH, Toy Soldier, Moroccan Night Club, CHS, Weed Pickers

The Thang:

Mosey'd to the upstairs parking deck near Lazy Dog. Broke the following up into groups of two with sets of 10, 20, 30,40. with a mosey to the other end for the other exercise. 30 burpees in a row was a bad idea, btw. Burpees & LBCs Imperial Walkers & Merkins Plank Jacks & Iron Squats E2K & Shoulder Taps With plenty of time remaining and the upper parking deck within reach, we mosey'd over for a crowd-pleaser and Ernest Hemingway's favorite sandwich, Everest. Everest = on an incline or hill, 1 alpha count lunge then 1 squat - repeat to the top Mosey back to the flag after a nudge from the fellas.


November 11th - Convergence at Perimeter Church - need a few more volunteers and donations Fuzzy Dice's MIL passed unexpectedly on 11/2 Dinghy's FIL struggling with dementia Hormone shared a praise for clear report

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Always a pleasure to lead this fine group of men!

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