AO: Badapple

When: 2023-11-01

QIC: Sprocket

PAX (7): gmonkey, goat, Jackalope/Bayside, Rusty, Spider, The Real Woody, bb bot's mom


heavy mumble/trash talk the night before by our beloved Texan Jackalope, meant QIC had to come up with something special to shut that big Texan mouth.  (heh, QIC’s got this…)


a dynamic but purposely limited warm-up consisting of mtn climbers, SSH’s (IC, 15 reps), QIC directed PAX to carry various coupons (45#-60# sandbags, cinders, dumbbells, chains) .25 mile to pull-up station…

The Thang:

Valhalla Calling-various stations set-up and rotation based upon completion of a heavy-carry by each PAX around bases at baseball diamond.  Heavy carry consisted of offset dumbbell carries. Round 1 pull-up station: toes-to-bar/knee-ups sledgehammer station: tire smash BW station: wall walks Merican station: chained Mericans (PAX drapes (2) 2 ft. sections of chain over neck performs exercise) Atlas stone station: clean to over-the-shoulder BW station: step-ups Round 2 pull-up station: chin/pull/muscle/commando-ups sledgehammer station: see above BW station: marching wall sit Merican station: see above Atlas stone station: thrusters BW station: step-ups Coupon carry .25 mile back to flag where WO was rounded out by flutter kicks and freddy mercuries (25 rep cnt, IC) and 10 burpees, and, as promised by QIC the night prior: no running took place.


PAX enduring physical ailments were lifted up as well as those traveling and all concerns, matters too mention aloud.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

’til Valhalla, brothers. Sprocket out.

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