Dia de los muertos!

AO: Gladiator

When: 2023-11-02

QIC: Hitchcock

PAX (18): Cheneral, Darkside, defcon2, DREAMER, Fire Drill, Hitchcock, Laces, Macbeth, Manchester, Mater, RaspberryPi, Scratch-Off, Slider, Spandex, Speedo, Stroller, Tar Heel, TheBigShort, Other, Brownie


Bienvenidos a Die de los Muertos!  Pax were welcomed with a traditional Mexican hat in Spanish and had some difficulty understanding the language. Fortunately, they were able to decipher that they couldn’t sue F3 or the park.  As a rousing Mexican ballad began, the PAX were encouraged to remember a beloved loved one who passed and celebrate their life with the workout.


Mosey to the spray ground, zombie imperial walkers, weedpickers (pushing up daisies), windmills, Michael Phelps/monkey arms, SSH, dying cockroaches (from the sound of the cadence, these cockroaches may have already died.)

The Thang:

Mosey to the Big Hill of life and death!  Grab a 2-handed coupon and start elevens in honor of month 11.  Sprint up the hill and do skull crushers and “crime-scene” hand-release burpees.  Audible to stop running up the hill and just finish the excercise. Side straddle hop for the 6. Ghost-train run to the small hill while we Cusack the coupon. MORE 11’s!!  (2 sets of 11s total for 11/2!). Werewolf jump squats and skull lifters (gas pumper/overhead press with coupon). Run up the hill and zombie lunge walk down.  Lots of audibles called to shorten the time!  (Apparently life is short and workouts are not eternal) Finally, ghost train and Cusack back to the rockpile; 2 sets of 11 reps with coupon - curls and upward rows.  (Gravediggers were on deck but alas our time was up!) Ghost Train back to the Flag for a little Mary (mountain climbers and merkins!) and time was up.


Prayers for DC2 on his sales pitch and Spandex on his job interviews! convergence coming on Veterans Day!

Naked-Man Moleskin:

We don’t always finish what we set out to do in life but we can press on to the goal of our calling in Christ!  Remember that when we are at deaths door we probably won’t regret not working more but we may regret not being with our loved ones and being present in life.   Here was the verse I poorly paraphrased:   “Not that I have already obtained it or have already become perfect, but I press on so that I may lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus.”“Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead,” ‭‭Philippians‬ ‭3‬:‭12-13

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