2, 4, 6, 8….31 degrees
AO: Badapple
When: 2023-11-03
QIC: The Real Woody
PAX (3): The_OG Zima, Turbine
A lot of chatter on the channels, but not a lot of HC from PAX on what was to be a brisk morning and PAX heading out of town. YHC set the alarm with the expectation that it may be a lonely BD…or a nap in the truck. When, what to my wondering eyes should appear, it's Turbine and Zima coming near...Let's go!Warm-O-Rama:
13 Weed pickers
13 Hillbillies
13 SSH
13 Copperhead Squats
Sun Gods OYO
Michael Phelps OYO
13 Thunder Claps
The Thang:
Mosey to the pull up station and do a morning call. 5 pullup/5 merkins Mosey to the field of trees...Row of 82 Burpees, 4 HR Merkins, 6 Apollo Ons, 8 Squats…..Bear crawl to next tree and do it again (2x, 3x, 4x, etc…until last tree (8x)
16, 32, 48, 64 at last tree
While the ground was frozen and the air blistering cold. The cold smoke of hot air coming out of the lungs just stayed there and almost crystallized, but the BD was enough to create a solid lather of sweat. Mosey back to the flag that wasn't there because Rusty fart-sacked....