Getting Dicey

AO: Black Water

When: 2023-10-30

QIC: Mantooth

PAX (10): Baskins, Cha-Ching, Mantooth, Mr. Hand, Olaf, Package, Schneider, Shroot, Snake, The Body


Great morning for some HIM to get better!


Moseyed to the top of the stairs. SSH, Good Mornings, Willie Mays Hayes. Then moseyed down to the amphitheater.

The Thang:

Brought some tunes, some dice, and a board with some exercises listed. Wanted to get a variety, so had two focus on legs, two focus on abs, and two focus on arms. But the dice would determine our fate.
  1. Squats
  2. BBS
  3. Merkins
  4. Lunges
  5. American Hammers (Alpha Count)
  6. Dips
Had the PAX roll one die to determine what exercise was performed and the second die would determine the time limit for the exercise. Within that time limit, we performed 20 reps of said exercise and ran one lap around the big loop. Continue as many sets as you could squeeze into the time frame determined by the 2nd die. Once time was up, another PAX rolled to see what the dice had in store for us. All PAX were able to roll and a full body beatdown was had by all.


Region convergence on 11/11 at Perimeter Church

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Throughout the morning, there was lots of chatter about our fellow F3 Cumming PAX who traveled for 100 miler this past weekend. We all mentioned how proud we were of them and how insane the conditions were for anyone to compete in that. Nothing but respect for those HIM and nothing to hang your chins about! Love and respect, brothers!

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