Magical Mystery Tour

AO: Gladiator

When: 10/26/2023

QIC: Scratch-Off

PAX (14): Chanel, Cheneral, Cousin Eddie, Darkside, DREAMER, Hitchcock, Macbeth, Mater, Scratch-Off, Slider, Speedo, Twitch, WhiteWater, brownie


It’s October. October is the start of the magical season. We haven’t been on a tour recently. I hadn’t really prepped…so maybe it was a mystery of what that tour would look like. Magic. Mystery. Tour.



Mosey to what is quite possibly the darkest part of the park…and warm up. SSH, windmills, weedpickers, MP, MA, WGS.

The Thang:

Mosey to the coupon pile. Pick a coupon. Do 20 curls, 15 OH presses, 10 Skull Crushers, 5 rows. (x3)

Mosey to the top parking lot. 15 Monkey Humpers, 10 Bonnie Blairs, 5 calf raises (2x)

Mosey to the library. Burpee for every campaign sign.

Mosey to muscle beach. Morning Call (x2)

Mosey to the field. Wind Sprints.

Back to the flag for mary.


Prayers for the Albrights, prayers for Spandex & his dad.

Saturday @ 6:30: Taco Fundraiser for the Albrights (deets on slack)

11/11 Convergence at Perimeter Church, Honoring Veterans (deets on slack)

November pull-up challenge.

Bring your cinders on Tuesday.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Loved being out there today. See y’all again soon.

Scratch-Off out.

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