Mole Day!

AO: The Wreck

When: 2023-10-23

QIC: Meltdown

PAX (14): aflac, Bear, Blue, corky, defcon2, Donor, Juul, Matt Shields-Norm, Moonshine, Mountain Mama, rip, Sell-out, Veggie


Mole day should be more celebrated than National Tight End day, which happened to be the day before. Let’s be honest, people are more concerned about Tight Ends and tight ends more than they are about weights of molecules. Can’t say I blame them at this time. since Mole day celebrates avogadros number (6.02 x10^23), we would do reps of exercises in this fashion.


Moseyed to the near lot for the following: Weedpickers x12 toy soldiers x12 michael phelps OYO Mountain climbers x12 YHC gave Veggie a choice between merkins and squats, and  without any hesitation blurted out squats. So we did Sally to round out the WOR.

The Thang:

over to the playground and pick a coupon. First grouping was the following: 6 pull-ups, run to top of hill 2 burpees, then back down 10 RDLs per leg then 23 curls. Rinse and repeat for a few rounds. This is the moment that Aflac got all nerdy and asked if Heisenberg had his own day, to which he said “are you certain???”  Please note, that ol’ Heisy has an uncertainty principle. I could feel Gmonkey wake up in the fartsack at that moment to ridicule Aflac. But the image in my brain was not the same as what would occurred in person. next, switched out exercises to the following: 6 Bobby hurleys 2 burpees 10 shrugs 23 skull crushers. Held plank for long enough then back to the flag for some Mary.


Convergence coming up 11/11. Lots of events (holidays, races, etc) coming up, so prayers for all those with celebrations as well as those who don’t have anyone to celebrate with.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Always a pleasure to lead this group. meltdown

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