Staying Warm

AO: Grindstone

When: 2023-10-16

QIC: Tsunami

PAX (5): Hail Mary, Paparazzi (Sri), Spit Valve, Tsunami, Vanna


It was a little chilly this morning so YHC decided we all need to stay warm with lots of running for the BD.


Long mosey around the park to gather together for warm ups. Side Straddle Hops, Weed Pickers, Imperial Walkers and Sun Gods

The Thang:

11s on the football field. Merkins on one end zone burpeess on the other. Start with 1 burpee then run the length of the field and do 10 merkins, run back 2 burpees, 9 merkins, etc.... Legs Workout 25 each no rest in between. Copperhead Squats, Mountain Climbers, Bonnie Blairs and Jump Squats. Then we took a lap around the field. Mosey back to flag for mary. Plank holds: regular plank, right side plank, left side plank, and plank Jacks. Then gas pumpers, LBCs and flutter kicks for the final min.


Prayers sent out to everyone affected by the war in Israel. Including Vanna's coworkers and Paparazzi barbers family. Also prayers for healing for Paparazi's mother who is having kidney issues, and may need surgery. As well as mother in law who is currently recovering from kidney surgery. Praises to all men who come out and show up in the gloom, for themselves and the group. It's hard some days and we don't always feel like it, but always fell better when we are done.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

2nd F dinner at Halcyon, this Thursday, CT taqueria at 6:30. Witches Night Out seems to be on the same night for some reason? See Snowman's post on slack and HC if interested.

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