Girlfriend Laps!

AO: Norseman

When: 10/10/2023

QIC: Cam's

PAX (15): Bottom Bunk, Callahan, Cam's, Chapter 11, Crikey, DirtyMO, FICO, Fresh Prince, Ha-ha, Knight Rider, muTTon, Sweeper, TO, Untouchable, Cookout


A great group of pax showed up on a brisk October morning to have some fun in the gloom!


We all grabbed a girlfriend and moseyed on over to the parking lot and did our standards SSHs, weed pickers, toy soldiers, and arm circles. Then we headed down to the turf field.

The Thang:

We split into 2 groups and went to opposite diagonal corners of the field. As the pax made their way around the perimeter with their girlfriends, they were asked to do 10 of the following exercises at each of the 4 corners plus the 50 yard lines (oh and on the short ends, we were doing rifle carries with the girlfriends).

  1. Merkins
  2. Jumping squats
  3. Big boy situps
  4. Reverse lunges
  5. Burpees
  6. Plankjacks



Ha-ha is taking T-shirts orders

Everyone is highly anticipating Pepper’s return from his vacation.

Prayers for Delorean’s back

Naked-Man Moleskin:

As always, it was a pleasure to lead!

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