Count ’em: FOUR (4)

AO: Rubicon

When: 2023-10-10

QIC: FannyPack

PAX (9): Avis, FannyPack, Focker, Groundhog, Lil Hurt, Pinkey, Special K, Speedo, TopSail


4 year anniversary!  And the Q brought a Frisbee??!!


Quick run around the parking lot with high knees, buttkickers, and caricaka left and right.  Then grab a medium coupon and head to the FOD.  Circle up for SSH, Windmills, Weedpickers, toy soldiers, arm circles, and flingy arm things.

The Thang:

Whamo lunge walks

Everybody got a turn throwing the frisbee.  All sprint while it's in flight, and as soon as it touches down we lunge walk- even if it's rolling away from us.

Ideally, everyone sprints in the direction of the frisbee.  Otherwise folks crash into each other in the dark.  I guess the point is to sprint either way, just sayin'...

BTTW & Vertical Mercans

Next up we took a short trip to the bathroom... walls.  Everyone grab a spot & we're doing 5 vertical mercans in time.  Great work.


Wait, what about the coupons?  Oh yeah:

  • 100 WWIII sit ups

  • 150 Spider-monkey humpers (2 MH's + 1 AC Peter Parker = 1)

  • 200 Dying Swerkins (just like a swercan, but you're dead)

We were going to do more, but you can only have so much fun in one beatdown.


YHC expressed gratitude, once again, for the positive influence F3 has had on me.  Prayers for  Groundhog's daughter Julia's eye surgery on Thursday; Speedo's son's wedding celebration this weekend, swift resolution/peace/comfort for Israel now at war.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

My two goals for F3:
  • Short term: Keep moving during the BD.
  • Long term: Don't die too early.
You guys help me with both of these- THANK YOU for four years of better living.

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