Suck it, BBReminder!

AO: Windjammer

When: 2023-10-06

QIC: Townie

PAX (7): Caroline, Cookie, Milli Vanilli, Sparkie, Townie, uga, Walkie Talkie


Disclaimer:  Not a lot of thought or creativity was put into this beatdown or backblast. The PAX arrived early.  Mostly grumpy, tired, and wishing they were still warm in the fartsack.  Pretty sure both Nair & Freon both verbally HC'd but neither were seen.


The usual mosey to the dam for Willie Mays Hays, Weedpickers, Imperial Walkers, Toy Soldiers, Arm Circles, & Covids.  Mosey back to the parking lot.  Grab coupons from the pile then rifle carry to the middle point

The Thang:

With the inspiration from Milli Vanilli's suggestion and a previous False Start Q, YHC decided on a 4 corners beatdown across the large tennis center parking lot. Corner 1:  100 Merkins Corner 2:  100 Flutter Kicks Corner 3:  100 American Hammers Corner 4:  100 Squats Each time you change stations, you pay the 50 Curls tax with the coupon.  Choose your own adventure.  Knock out all 100 at once or split it up.  Most PAX chose to get all 100 reps in for all but the merkins.  Causing 4-5 passes thru the middle and 200-300 or so curls mixed in. Once we wrapped up we split into groups and did LBC's & Skullcrushers while the 2nd group ran a lap.  Then 1 round of Mary at the flag for good measure with some Freddie Mercs


AO Windjammer will host breakfast & beatdown at The Bound on 12/2.  It's been all but decided that we'll change it up and bring BB's bagels and make smoothies for the men for breakfast.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Don't be that guy driving around in your car on busy streets drinking coffee out of a mug that was designed to be used while sitting in a recliner at home.  Yetis, tumblers, or anything with a lid is just so much smarter. Walkie brought us back to a good tip on simply listening to our spouses, kids, co-workers, etc and not be so fast to solve a problem.  Sometimes the closest people we have in life just need an ear or a shoulder to lean on.  Try to remember that this week & fall break coming up.

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