Going to the chapel…

AO: Gladiator

When: 2023-10-05

QIC: Speedo

PAX (17): Bo Knows, Butterknife, Cheneral, Darkside, DREAMER, Fire Drill, Laces, Moonshine, Porkchop, RaspberryPi, Spandex, Speedo, Stifler (Jeff Levy), Yokel, Zohan, Alice, Brownie


A wedding-themed beat down was promised. Only time would tell if that's what we would do.  Lots of cars pouring in led to a nice-sized group for the disclaimer plus another one coming in hot after we started our mosey.


Mosey to top parking lot Weed pickers IC x10 Copperhead squats IC x10 Hillbillies IC x10 Hangovers WGS

The Thang:

Morning call. The guys took this one nice and slow for some reason.   Mosey down Fouts stopping at each driveway for 10 diamond merkins. At the library we did apple turnovers in one direction then Lt. Dan the other direction Mosey back toward the park stopping at each driveway for 10 hand-release merkins Once back inside the park we kept the mosey, stopping at each speed bump for 10 BBSUs On the pitch at the baseline, we did bear crawl/crawl bear suicides to the top of the goalie box, top of the penalty box and then to midfield with increasing reps (5/10/15) of merkins at each line Next we did broad jump/bunny hop suicides with 5/10/15 squats Lastly we did a good old-fashioned run suicide to the top of the penalty box, midfield, top of the far penalty box and the far end line. I think the gazelles had just enough time for a round of mary but I’m not a gazelle so I can’t tell you what they did.


Prayers for Spandex’s dad Vern as he deals with complications related to a stroke. Prayers for Zohan’s son as he deals with some challenges with his debate coach at WGU Prayers for Bo Knows as he has oral surgery today. Prayers for all the unspoken needs, hurts, uncertainties on our hearts.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

What was supposed to be a wedding-themed beat down turned into a regular beat down with some wedding quips built in. No one asked for a divorce and the tunes were decent considering I let Spotify pick them.  Thanks for taking my lead and working hard today. I can’t imagine my life without you guys in it. --Speedo out

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