A Little Post IPC Shoulder Shakeout

AO: The Hooch

When: 2023-10-04

QIC: Dinghy

PAX (22): Angus, Animal, BallBoy, Boomer, Fuzzy Dice, Hammer Time, Hot Chicken, Humperdinck, Maguire, Mater, McCracken, Meatball, Pigtails, Plumb Bob, Popper (Dan Richard), PuffDaddy, Scrooge, Splinter, Sunshine, Tenderfoot, TURK


Full disclosure - Popper, thank you for reminding YHC that he had the Q, totally forgot, but was able to pull it together for the beatdown. Maybe the title of this BB should be "Older Age Makes You Forget Stuff." Bygones..... As we had a very veteran crew, abridged disclaimer was given....and off we went.


12 each of Weedpickers, Willie Mays Hays, Hillbillies. 10 each of Moroccan Nightclubs, SSH's Mosey around the parking lot to the center curb

The Thang:

  1. 11's with hand step ups on the curb (alpha count, so it's an 8-count exercise), bear crawl to the first parking lot line, then flying squirrels, bear crawl back (modify to lunge walk). Imperial walker for the 6. Mosey to the steakhouse parking lot and find a wall.
  2. Tabatas, with BTTW during active exercise, minimum 5 monkey humpers during 10 second "rest" period. Spread out along the curb, then.....
  3. 1 perfect mercan to 2 jump squats, Bernie Standers across the parking lot, conduct 2 perfect mercans and 4 jump squats, proceed all the way to 10 perfect mercans and 20 jump squats. Mary for the 6. Mosey back to the flag....and that was time!


Prayers for Dinghy's friend Roger, and for prayers said and unsaid for the rest of the PAX.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

A pleasure as always to lead at The Hooch. That Q sheet is looking a little lonely, men - let's give it the love it deserve.

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