Soul Searchers
AO: Gladiator
When: 02/28/2023
QIC: Scratch-Off
PAX (19): Other, Manchester, Kegger, Brownie, DC2, Mater, Spandex, Cheneral, TheBigShort, Raspberry Pi, Judy, Bo Knows, Tebow, Dreamer, Duggar, Hitchcock, Speedo, IronHead, Macbeth
Believe it or not, YHC got the idea for this BD about 3 weeks ago. [soap box warning] I wanted to do a number of difficult things around my 33rd birthday because, honestly, it’s been a pretty difficult year. On one hand, those who follow this monthly blog disguised as backblasts know that I will pushback on hardos, those trying to relive their glory days, and Navy SEAL wannabes all the time. There’s no likely scenario that a group of sales guys, bankers, accountants, pastors, film producers, and lawyers need to pretend to hold a telephone pole in the 58 degree surf off Coronado. Stop that. We’re just here to sweat.
On the other hand, there’s value in mental toughness.
So today, we were going to test the mental toughness a little bit.
Mosey to Pavilion #2 for some warm up: SSH, Weedpickers (AARP style), Ham Hangers, WGS, Michael Phelps, Monkey arms, and Hill Billies.
Then we spiked the heartrate with a set of stationary 7s: Jump Squats and Diamond Merkins.
The Thang:
Mosey to the bottom of the Coupon Hill.
Run the Hill for 30 minutes.
The goal was a mental and physical challenge. Back in the day we would call them “Soul Searchers”, not because we were going to find our souls at the top of the hill or flight of stairs, but because by the end of it, you needed a reason to continue. Mental toughness, a belief bigger than yourself, maybe even a Savior. Whatever it was, we delivered. It sucked, and we did it.
We’re saying prayers for DC’s grandma and family.
Hillseeker challenge is apparently this weekend…probably could have timed this a little better…
Giterdone run in late march, check slack.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Always fun to lead y’all. Y’all always impress me, even in our old age. After 3 miles this morning, I promise some pre-spring-break muscle beach next month.
Scratch-Off, out.