Glowsticks aren’t for Girls
AO: Gladiator
When: 08/16/2022
PAX (18): Bo Knows, Cheneral, defcon2, Delicious, DREAMER, Fire Drill, Hitchcock, Macbeth, Mater, RaspberryPi, Snowbird, Sox, Spandex, Speedo, Tebow, TheBigShort, vertigo, Brownie
Classic. All regulars with a special guest appearance from the book of legends, SOX!
Mosey around the parking lot. Shuffle left, shuffle right. Run to bathroom area.
- Weed Pickers
- World’s Greatest Stretch
- Baby arm circles and variations
The Thang:
- Burpee Balls to the Wall
- Count off 1’s and 2’s.
- Round 1 = One group does 10 Burpees, the other does Balls to the Wall until the burpee group is done. Flap jack.
- Round 2 = 7 burpees
- Round 3 = 5 burpees
2. Crack Circle
Mosey to the circle on the left side field. Upon arrival, the PAX noticed a surprise! A mixing bowl with over 100 glow sticks! Q instructed:
- Run to the bowl, grab a glow stick, run back to your work space
- Crack the glow stick and perform some exercises that are linked to the color
- Yellow = 10 merkins
- Orange = 10 squats
- Green = 10 BBSU
- Red = take a lap around the white circle
- Blue = 10 burpee
- Unfortunately, Q discovered that the Red turned Purple once on it’s own in the light and Orange really looked like yellow part 2. Needless to say there was some confusion but thankfully, the PAX worked hard.
3. Glow Stick Bear Broad Jumps
- Mosey to the baseline with 5 glow sticks.
- Starting at the baseline, do 5 broad jumps, 10 merkins, and drop a glow stick. Continue down the field until you are out of glow sticks.
- Once out, turn around, bear crawl back to each glow stick. At each glow stick, do 10 BBSU. Collect your glow stick and continue.
Once all PAX were back (and the glow sticks collected from members who didn’t grab them…), Q called for a slow mosey Indian run. With near 20 people, we’d need a slow mosey.. HOWEVER… one member took off like Brownie was chasing them. The rest of the gang couldn’t keep up. Q had to call out for a 5 burpee punishment to remind the group the right pace for an Indian Run. Back to the fun.
4. Dipping Sanders
- Line up on the wall facing the opposite side.
- Do 10 dips, bernie to the far side, mosey back.
- Next do 20 dips and rinse and repeat.
- Lastly, 30 dips and rinse and repeat.
5. Hercules Hercules!
Q lined up the Yellow glow sticks cutting the field into approx. 40 yards or so. Q called for Brownie and Big Short to grab glow sticks in each hand.
- PAX lines up with Brownie and Big Short as “It”.
- If you get tagged, you’re rewarded with a glow stick and the next round you become a tagger.
- The goal is to run across the field without getting tagged.
By round 2, half the group was tagged. On the last round, only 3 PAX remained untagged. Q said if any of the 3 untagged people make it past the rest, the losers would do 20 burpees. Bo Knows, Raspberry Pi and another member made it safely across. Losers burpeed.
6. Robin Hood.
- 2 groups. Glow sticks in the middle. Each group had a bucket on their side of the field.
- Run to get your glow sticks from the middle into your bucket. Once done, run to the other side (other team) and steal their glow sticks.
Basically we just did sprints with glow sticks at the end haha
- SOX – prayers for Joan Johnson. Husband passed away
- Ramos 5k, 8/20, 8am
- Darth Visor – check slack for info
- Iron Pax starts soon… I expect to see you all there with perfect attendance.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Always a blessing to hang with work out with you all. I try to have Hard Fun every time. Praying for each of you as you go throughout your week.
Keep Dreaming