Anatomy of a Burpee
AO: Rubicon
When: 08/04/2022
QIC: Irene
PAX (20): Caffey, Cookie, Devito, Dipstick, FannyPack, Groundhog, Hollywood, Lil Hurt, Lowes, Mayhem, MillerTime, No-See-Um, Pinkey, Special K, Stroller, Trebek, Turbine, Flash, Sharkbait
The PAX gathered together on a relatively cool August morning to discover the proper way to perform a Burpee and celebrate the Q’s birthday.
The beatdown started with a quick intro and disclaimer before a mosey to the pool parking lot for the Warm-o-Rama. YHC led everyone through – after proper instruction in exercise call-outs – SSHs, Windmills, Imperial Walkers, and Weedpickers. PAX then moseyed around the lot for buttkickers, high-knees, and alternating criss-cross. After a lap the Q led the mosey to the rock pile for medium to large coupons for The (First) Thang.
The Thang:
1st Thang
Pax left their coupons at the third corner and moseyed to the fourth corner to start Four Corner Escalators on the elements of a Burpee. Run to the first corner, 10x Merkins, run to the second corner, 20x Squats, 10x Merkins, run to the third corner, 30x Coupon Thrusters, 20x Squats, 10x Merkins, coupon carry to the fourth corner, 40x Jump-ups, 30x, Coupon Thrusters, 20x Squats, 10x Merkins. Leading PAX planked for the six.
Once at the top, we have to go back down, but with different exercises:
40x curls, 30x Squats, 20x Merkins, 10x Single-Count Lunges
Leading PAX air-chaired for the six, and everyone moseyed to the rockpile to return coupons on the way to the Field of Dreams.
2nd Thang
With our new found Burpee component knowledge, PAX separated into four groups at the four bases on the Field of Dreams. 1st base performed AMRAP LBCs, 2nd base performed AMRAP Merkins, 3rd base performed AMRAP Lunges, and home plate performed 15 Burpees. Once PAX at homeplate completed their reps, they bear crawled to 1st and assumed their exercise while each group moved on until everyone did their 15 burpees. PAX moseyed to the flag for some Mary comprised of LBCs, Gas Pumpers, Buzzsaws, Knees-Ankles-Toes, Box Cutters, and Penguin Tappers.
PAX circled up for the count, name-o-rama, and CoT where they shared their news at the end of the Q. Dipstick reminded everyone of the new blood drive on 8/12, so be on the lookout and sign up. FannyPack shared some information on the 8/6 F3/FIA/2.0 convergence here at the Rubicon. Check the Slack for details and remaining sign-up items.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Coffeeteria started immediately following CoT. Devito shared his Bourbon Maple Iced Coffee, Cookie provided hot coffee, and Irene brought mini cupcakes. For TnT, Irene shared NRA’s twitter thread on the Navy Seal Mindset: https://twitter.com/TMitrosilis/status/1550831387107786752. During training Navy Seals work on developing a mindset focused on being 1) Patient, 2) Present, and 3) Deliberate to help them overcome adversity and grow as individuals and a team.
Thank you all for coming out for a Birthday Q.