“I Hate You, Janeway.”
AO: Starting Line
When: 07/27/2022
QIC: Janeway
PAX (4): Janeway, Script Kiddie, Suarez, Beeline
Today was YHC’s 6th Q and I finally received the Ultimate F3 Compliment (at least in the context of a BD). It also happened to be my Birthday Q; YHC was born Star Date 07.27.1971-1136… meaning from BD to BB I went from 50 to 51. The Warm-o-Rama and Thang reflected these figures while music from the 70s (namely, the first two songs from Boston’s debut album then most of the full 2nd Boston album, Don’t Look Back, blared in the background).
We moseyed to The Spot (TM) and executed:
7 Abe Vigodas IC
27 Sun Gods IC (9 normal, 9 left leg sobriety style, 9 right leg sobriety style)
19 Hillbillies IC
71 second Prime Directive (71 is a Prime #)
[Controlled Merkin: 30 seconds high + 20 seconds mid + 10 seconds low + 11 seconds high]
11 Van Gogdhas IC
36 via the 5-4 Motivator
[5 SSH, 5 side SSH, 5 arm rest hops, 5 hops + 4 SSH, 4 side SSH, 4 arm rest hops, 4 hops = 36]
The Thang:
We used the shorter loop as our stations: running clockwise to 1st base, 2nd base, 3rd base exactly where they would be on the diamond.
We use the longer loop to transition from 3rd base – running counter-clockwise through what would be center field – back to 1st base to begin the next round of exercises.
There were 3 rounds of exercises with one exercise – all single count – OYO – air chair/plank for the Six – at each base, followed by the transition run (each transition different) through center field back to first base.
1st Base: 17 Diamond Merkins
2nd Base: 17 XYs [Rosalita-Flutter Kick combo]
3rd Base: 17 Imperial Squat Walkers
Transition from 3rd to 1st Base through Center Field: Black Snake Run
1st Base: 34 Plank Jacks
2nd Base: 34 Crunchy Frogs
3rd Base: 34 Lunges
Transition from 3rd to 1st Base through Center Field: Catch Me If You Can w/ 7 Monkey Humpers for the PAX in the back
1st Base: 51 Shoulder Taps
2nd Base: 51 American Hammers
3rd Base: 51 Side Step Squats
Somewhere in the midst of all of the above, one of the PAX issued the Highest Compliment Possible within a BD when I called a next exercise: “I hate you, Janeway.” I think it was even stated twice. What a gift bringing great satisfaction to YHC; it only took 6 Qs to get there.
Transition from 3rd to HOME PLATE through Center Field: Bernie Sanders to Center Field, then turn 180 degrees and run to home base AYG
COOL DOWN at Home Plate
Dynamic Arm Stretches L/R
Quad Stretches L/R
10 Good Mornings IC
Neck Rotations L/R/F/B
Michael Phelps
This left 10 minutes. YHC stated to the PAX, “This is your opportunity to give me the gifts of your exercises” (i.e., Mary). The PAX called:
Gift from Suarez: 15 Mike Tysons
Gift from Beeline: 50 Air Squats
Gift from Script Kiddie: 10 Banthas [BB Sit-up followed by 4 Crunchy Frogs]
We then ran to the flag… DANG there was still some time.
Another gift from Suarez: Suarez Signature Controlled Merkins (too many)
Another gift from Script Kiddie: Burpees (because we gave him a second chance) until time was called.
Having just read the entire book of Ecclesiastes, I warned the PAX not to let me give the Acceleration Point, but they urged me on anyway. So I related about how much we toil and grow and gain wisdom as we age and even by virtue of being part of F3… BUT:
“In much wisdom is much vexation; and he who increases knowledge, increases sorrow.” (1:18)
I then reminded us that much of life is simply pressing through the SUCK found in our jobs, our relationships, in our homes, in our country, in our world, with regards to money, with regards what should be seemingly pleasures of life, etc. — everything the writer of Ecclesiastes discusses. NEVERTHELESS:
“This is the end of the matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.” (11:13)
And so I encouraged all PAX, self included, despite the suck, to each have holy reverence for God, trust Him, keep His commandments for our lives… for this is our whole duty before Him.
We finished with prayer, with special prayers for Beeline, blessing his obedience to God over a matters of temporal possessions, and for special connections with his new crop of students as the new school year begins, and we ended with a prayer of blessing on all… that God will continue to bring beauty from all our ashes.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
This morning was a delight, and made the rest of my day a joy… because it was a JOY being in the presence of these men, gathered together in the presence of God.