Good Mix of Cardio, Strength Training + Tunes
AO: Badapple
When: 05/25/2022
QIC: The_OG Zima
PAX (5): Goose, Rusty, Sprocket, The_OG Zima, Wreck
Coupons/Other Things required:
- Kettlebell, Cinder, Medicine Ball, Resistance Bands.
- Music required. Ideally a playlist containing songs around 5 min in length
- Don’t forget a good speaker
Mosey to Gazebo across the street. Exercises were:
- Weedpicker
- Copperhead Squat
- Plank Jack
- Circle Burp
The Thang:
- Partner up: (ideally there is an even number and at least an equal number of Partners to Station. That did not happen today.
- Partner 1 performs exercise. Partner 2 runs OR bear crawls to Q specified location. When Partner 2 comes back, Partner 1 runs while Partner 2 performs exercise. Rinse and Repeat until song is over. When new song starts, move to the next exercise/station. Rinse and Repeat through the list of exercises as every new song starts.
- Rep count is as many as you can until your partner comes back and the next song starts.
- Exercises:
- Dips (using bench)
- Seated Row (using Resistance bands)
- Side Lunge (with KB)
- Derkins (using bench)
- American Hammer (KB or Med ball)
- Bowtie (either resistance band, KB or Cinder)
- Burpees (if time allows) we didn’t have time
- Prayers for Uvalde, TX and those affected. Hug your kids and loved ones a little tighter.
- Prayers for our F3 brothers who are not able to make it out today. We look forward to seeing you back in the gloom soon.