LL Cool J
AO: Rubicon
When: 05/26/2022
QIC: Groundhog
PAX (17): Caffey, Cookie, False Start, FannyPack, Groundhog, Hollywood, Krueger, Lil Hurt, lumbergh, MillerTime, Morphine, No-See-Um, Pinkey, PitStop, Special K, Trebek, FNG - The Truth
Good turn out despite the threat of rain and my VQ for the BD. Caffey approves of my legal terminology during the introduction but don’t worry, I would still never turn to the dark side. Engineers have more respect than that.
Mosey to the flag pole and do some high knees, butt kicks, and karaoke along the way. Circle up around the flag pole for side-straddle hops, imperial walkers, and Daniel-sons. Many confused PAXs at this point but by the end everyone had mastered the technique for future bar fights. Finished up the warm-up with Weed-pickers, arm circles, and Phelps.
The Thang:
Mosey to the hill next to the field of dream. Line up at the bottom of the hill for some LL Cool J-Big Boy 11s, up and down the hill in between. At first, momma said knock you out, but by the end all the PAXs was doin’ it and doin’ it and doin’ it well.
Next, mosey to the parking lot for Mucho Chesto suicides in order to help all the PAXs answer that question in the gym with confidence, “How much ya bench?” 10 Merkins at the first island, 10 wide Merkins at the second, 10 diamond Merkins at the third, 10 left stagger Merkins at the fourth, 10 right stagger Merkins at the fifth, back and forth to the curb in between each. Rinse and repeat to get to 100 total reps.
A little rain to end the workout but it felt refreshing and offered an opportunity for Rain Angels during Merry.
- Welcome FNG now named “The Truth”. It’s Caffey’s brother so you can figure out the name connection.
- Thoughts and prayers for the families and children impacted by the tragedy in Texas
- Prayers for safe travels over the Memorial Day weekend
- For those in town, Murph is going down on Monday. Cookie has more details.
- No-See-Lum week is next week. You don’t want to miss it! Or maybe you do….
Naked-Man Moleskin:
- In all seriousness, it was great leading you guys. It was a lot easier than I expected but I think that’s a testament to the solid core of men we have to help each other out through everything that goes on in this crazy world. To emphasize what Morphine and others said after the BD, be grateful and cherish the limited time we have with family on this Earth.
- VQ strength is real, I didn’t feel much pain during the workout but that is no longer the case. Have a great day fellas.