Ride the lightning
AO: Badapple
When: 05/04/2022
QIC: Sprocket
PAX (5): goat, Ponyboy, Rusty, Snax
“When I see lightning, you know it always brings me down, cuz” …I can’t get back to sleep and I’m wondering if I need to cancel the workout. Fortunately, Aflac’s “Glen Burns” home weather station super duper radar accurately indicated a break between storm cells and QIC made the call at 0500 to proceed with the workout.
kick-your-own-butt 15x each leg
high knees, 15x each leg
walk-out Merks, 10 OYO
windmills, 15 x IC
SSH’s 15x IC
The Thang:
QIC’s thinking is, if PAX show up on a rainy morning with lightning strikes within 5-15 miles, he’d better bring the thunder.
Block 1: CMU Pyramid
PAX carry their CMU (concrete masonry units a.k.a. cinder blocks) to pull-up station for the following rounds. Each round consists of 2 cinder cleans, 100 Mtn climbers and 2 pull-ups (or chin-ups, commando pull-ups or cinder rows if modification is needed). Increase rep’ count by 2 cleans and 2 pull-ups each round–100 Mtn climbers remain in each round. Once PAX reach 10 reps, work back down the pyramid by 2 reps/round.
By the time PAX completed final round, lightning strikes were getting close. Time to head for the shelter of the breezeway for the “simple” part of the workout.
Block 2: QIC said,”simple”, not, easy.
PAX perform 100 forward lunges with their CMU’s held overhead (or carried on a shoulder or crooked in their arms)–ALPHA Count i.e. double-count (100 rep’s each leg). Should a PAX lower his CMU to the ground to take a break, he must bear crawl 20 yards for each break. QIC is proud to say that mumblechatter from PAX was salty at times, but, positive.
The next storm cell broke with about 7 minutes on the clock. Time for some Mary. PAX performed flutter kicks, ‘Merican Hammers, LBC’s and ended with Diamond Merks (Goat’s call [shocker]).
PAX strongly encouraged to take part in this Saturday’s spring convergence. Prayers said for wisdom, strength and patience.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
QIC will draw the line for canceling a WO for lightning–Not rain. Why? rain won’t melt PAX, lightning will. Easy call. Always an honor to lead such fine men and set the tone for the day ahead. Sprocket out.